WSP – Virgo Spotlight Client

Written by virgobc on February 2, 2015 in Spotlight Client

WSPWSP is the Spotlight Client of the Month for Virgo Business Centers’ Grand Central location.

How many employees does your business have?

WSP employs 40,000 people worldwide, 500+ in New York City and 4 people in our Manhattan office.

What are your business specialties?

Design and Construction management of Infrastructures.

How would you describe your business?

WSP is one of the world’s leading professional services firms in its industry, working with governments, business, architects and planners and providing integrated solutions across many disciplines of engineering. Established in 1969, WSP is growing in the USA and all over the world. From this office location, we are providing Construction Management services to Metro-North Railroad on Rehabilitation of Grand Central Terminal Train Shed – construction project.

What is the secret to your success?

Provide professional services on time, within budget and without incident.

What is the best part about managing your own business?

Fulfill each client’s vision.

What were your reasons for choosing Virgo Business Centers for your office location?

In close proximity of our client’s office (Metro-North Railroad at Grand Central)

How would you describe the experience of having an office in Manhattan?

We are enjoying excellent professional services.

What advice would you give to others starting their own businesses?

Provide efficient, prompt professional service keeping client’s goal in mind.

Contact Information:

The Chanin Building
380 Lexington Ave #1769, New York, NY 10168 USA
Tel: (212) 551-1051