Forget Office Space, Think Shared Office Space in Manhattan

Written by Don Seckler on November 26, 2015 in Blog

Forget Office Space, Think Shared Office Space in Manhattan

Be honest. When you think about professional white-collar services, don’t you think that you are more apt to find high-quality services in Manhattan than in New York City’s other four boroughs and in the city’s suburbs, including cities in Connecticut and New Jersey?

Well guess what? Many of your prospective clients feel the same way. They might seek an attorney in Queens or an accountant in Brooklyn or a financial consultant in Newark when price is their sole criteria. However, they

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How A Virtual Address Can Help Your NYC Business

Written by Don Seckler on November 24, 2015 in Blog

How a virtual address can help your NYC business

In the digital world of the 21st Century, there is widespread acceptance of the fact that business can be transacted effectively from anywhere on the globe. Even for firms with large offices and a commanding physical presence tied to a specific location, a growing trend is that executives and even support staff work remotely, or from home, at least part of the time.

Especially for high-tech and start-up businesses with an eye on the bottom line, the need for office space

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3 Ways To Find Office Space Near Grand Central Station

Written by Don Seckler on November 17, 2015 in Blog

3 ways to find office space near grand central station



Reasons a New York-based business might want to locate its offices near Grand Central Station range from easy access for commuting workers to the prestigious address associated with office space in the area. An office in a prestigious building that overlooks other areas of Midtown gives customers an impression of success, which can make it easier for businesses to close deals or create an atmosphere of equality with partners. Finding offices space near Grand Central Station isn’t always as easy

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