Written by Don Seckler on October 1, 2015
in Blog
Business centers and shared office spaces are excellent ways for companies to have a professional presence in Manhattan. Many people think of these options as co-working spaces, but they really aren’t the same thing. Co-working spaces are generally open areas that have a lot of tables and desks. They can be good choices for some people, but shared office spaces and business centers are more secure and provide individual offices, which make it easier to concentrate and get more done.
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Written by Don Seckler on September 29, 2015
in Blog
Growing a small business in NYC isn’t easy, and if you’re focused on a great place like Midtown on The Avenue of The Americas or the Empire State Building, it can be even more difficult to see a high degree of success.
Fortunately, there are ways you can get what you need without the costs and long-term commitments of traditional office locations. That’s generally done through business centers and shared office spaces, where you’ll have access to everything that’s important
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Written by Don Seckler on September 24, 2015
in Blog
If you have started a business in New York City, it can be difficult to decide when is the ideal time to make the transition into an office environment. Here are five business reasons that can clue you in to the fact that it’s time to move your business to an office.
1. Your Business Needs More Resources
While your business may have been just fine with the resources you had initially, if your business has grown you will likely need more
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